Eat that frog with “To Do List”

Nabeel Ehmed
2 min readDec 9, 2016


“If you don’t write when you don’t have time for it, you won’t write when you do have time for it.”
Katerina Stoykova Klemer

I was very bad at time management till I took the productivity course and it helped me out in many ways which mad me more productive and regular in my everyday life. One of the key thing from productivity challenge was making to do lists for every day, weekly and monthly. To do list was the best thing I ever practiced if I neglect pomodoro, honestly. I observed that to do list benefited me in two ways, firstly I was able to remember my task which I had to perform throughout the day, and secondly I was much comfortable with managing time. To do list consisted of all my tasks for upcoming day and there was proper allocation of time span for each activity. Every day I used to spend 10–15 minutes preparing my to do list for upcoming day at night before sleeping and the next was just like scheduled one.

The biggest hurdle with to do list is some of unplanned activities which appear in our routine, it spoils whole plan of the day. The big reasons behind these disturbances were extension lectures by teachers, project work FYP and some societal meetings of our technical forums.

The solution for this problem which I opted was contingency planning, some tolerance of time i.e 2 hours daily and I got success to some extents and still I am trying to manage my time according to the work load.



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